So, I have been trying to tell Eli's pediatrician that he has a terrible cough for over a month now. More like 6 weeks to be exact. We had taken him to the immediate care center and the ER as well as the pediactrics office. Last week he was diagnosed with his first ear infection and was given Amoxycillin. This past weekend he had a fever of 103.3 and we took him to the immediate care center to find out that the Amoxycillin was not working and his ear infection had gotten worse. So, they put him on a new antibiotic as well as Children's Advil to bring down his fever. The Children's Advil worked wonders to bring down his fever. However, his cough persisted. Each doctor that saw him about the cough would tell us it was nothing to be concerned about and that it would most likely pass in a few days, etc. As a mother, trying to tell several people something you already know when they don't take you seriously (especially a 1st time mother and of an only child - they tend to overlook your concern more frequently than if you are a mother of 5 and in your lat 30's) It is extremely frustrating. So, Wednesday (3 1/2 days after beginning the new ear infection antibiotic and the Children's Advil) he developed this horrible rash all over his body. Like Hives I guess. I mean it was everywhere and bumpy. His face, his butt, the bends of his elbows....and it started to itch him. I called the doctor when it started to get worse, and we got in yesterday for him to be seen. After 1 1/2 hrs at the doctors office he was given a steroid for the rash, which we have to give him each day for a week, we found out he is allergic to Ibuprofen (Advil, Motrin) as well as the ear infection meds he was taking (Cefalixir (sp?)) so he was given another new antibiotic for the ear infection and can only take Tylenol if his fever spikes (which has not successfully brought it down previously), and to top it all off - the cough - they said there was fluid in his lungs so they gave him a breathing treatment and sent home an infant nebulizer for us to do three 5-minute treatments a day with him for 2 weeks. He hates the thing so far, so I am hoping that changes soon. It kills me to have to hold him down to keep the mask over his face for a whole 5 minutes. I think I hate it more than he does... And I feel the worst that I tried to tell them for so long and finally they do something about it and he has fluid in his lungs... how frustrating!!!
*On a lighter note - he did teach himself how to blow bubbles in the bathwater last night :) That brightened our day when it got us all laughing together :) He is so good at remaining happy through anything he goes through...

Friday, April 25, 2008
Mommy instincs far outweigh a doctor's degree!
Posted by Unknown at 5:52 AM 0 comments
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Can I pretty please go in there and play?!?!?!

I'm too cute for this pawty, too cute for this pawty...

So, what is the purpose of wearing rain-boots in the house?

I love to brush my "teese"

Umm, I'm waiting on YOU, yes, you with the "BITES"!

I love doggies, this one looks like a big version of Charlie...

If all else fails, just ride it backwards!

No, Nana! Don't Leave! I wanna go bye-bye too!

Goin' to church!

See me? It's gonna be hard to catch me with no clothes on...

...Told ya so!

Me and my Nana
1st trip to the beach!

The Bluewater Grill on the beach
A day at the park!

My first big-boy slide!

He was having so much fun!

Peek-a-boo Mommy!

Walkin' with my daddy...

ooooh a pinecone!

There's something so precious about this picture.

Smelling a flower
MISC Vacation pics...

Daddy & Eli

Giving mommy kisses through a window

Eli loves walkin' with his "dada"

Nothing like a nap with a cool breeze coming thru the window...

Muah! These days will fade away...
Eli Few Hours Old

"The day I learned how to climb!"

Trying a tomato...
1st Trip to The Children's Museum


At the fish intent...

...In a yellow submarine!...

At the Playscape water area - so much fun!

...and at the sand area! 'what is this stuff?'

he actually cried when we took him away from the sand!

Eli and Daddy in the Race Car! Vroom Vroom!

Eli and Daddy in the Dinosphere! ROAR

Mommy, Nanna & Eli in the funny mirror...

And we finished it off with a carousel ride! Eli was "dancing" all the way around and saying "bye-bye" to all the people waiting in line :)
First Time Sledding!

Not sure what to think of this cold weather


Okay, mom, I dont want to touch the snow - get it away!!!

daddy taking Eli up the hill

Okay, this MIGHT be a fun ride...

now, mommy - you be nice, and go slow - it's cold out here!

And, we are now lost under our snow-suit, it's time to go back in for a nap...
First Christmas

Who is this guy? Am I still asleep?

What a wonderful Santa! (played by Grandpa Joe)

Okay, I didn't say you could touch me!

Eli, Grandpa Joe, Uncle Jeremiah, Uncle Joey, and Aunt Mo-Mo